Monday, June 1, 2009

Rules of Engagement 5.0

Whenever my parents would talk to me about relationships, which is get more and more often, I always get the impression from them that you get into a relationship to get married. You don't go around meeting girls going "Hey, I kind of like you. Lets see where this goes." No, there is none of that bullshit. It's  "Hey, lets wait a couple of year till I get financially stable so we can go get married."  You don't get into a relationship just for the sake of being in one or because you like them, it's because you see them as husband/wife material and you plan on doing the whole till death do us part jig.

Which makes me wonder about my father, who has a reputation of being a player among his peers, which is something I have obviously not inherited. People who knew him in his 20's and 30's would always talk about all the girlfriends he had. Something my mother has had to put up for a long, long time now. Which pushes the point, were all of my father's girlfriends Chinese? Personally, I don't have the moxie to ask him about this matter.

But it would explain why he has very little to say during these conversations, most of the time it would just be my mom talking. Who come to think of it, has never talked about any other man in her life other than my father. He would just say something along the lines of "Just remember that she has to be Chinese. This is non-negotiable." nearing the end of the conversation.

Whether or not this perspective is true for other Chinese families, I am not sure. But I just feel that the their perspective on things is problem inducing later on in life. Since you weren't really able to discover and explore what the world had to offer, the tendency is you cheat on your spouses when you're the one calling the shots. You want to take up what you missed out on earlier in life. Am I the only one that thinks this is true, what do you think?

Eat Well and Good Luck,

Harveyson Go

1 comment:

  1. Dude, that's sad.. Why don't you try to hook up with girls like how your dad used to? Step your game up brah! Haha!
