Monday, June 29, 2009

Epic Battles: Itachi vs Sasuke

This was sasuke's goal for as long as he can remember. His brother who killed all of their clan members standing right in front of him. In the start of the battle Itachi explained to sasuke why he told him to get stronger. It was to steal away his eye to make his own eye immortal. Because apparently, the uchiha clan's ultimate technique Mangekyou Sharingan causes you to become blind each time you use it. In the start of the battle, it was full of illusions but as the battle progressed, Sasuke prove to Itachi that he was a force to be reckoned with, so Itachi unleashed the amaterasu, a black fire that would devour anything that your eye looked on. And sasuke lost consciousness and his inner Orochimaru appeared, then Itachi released his final technique the giant soldier summon which destroyed the freak Orochimaru that sprouted out of Sasuke. After that Itachi had no more strenght left and went to Sasuke. Sasuke was full of fear as Itachi reached for his eye, but in the end Itachi just touched sasuke's forehead and smiled while saying "This is the last time we meet little brother, sorry". THIS SHOCKED THE FREAKING SHIT OUT OF ME! The truth is that Itachi was really a good brother. A double agent you might say. He killed all of his clan because he was ordered to do so by a superior, because his clan was planning a coupdetat. Might I add, that the touch on the forehead was no mere touch, but it transfered amaterasu and Itachi's other powers into Sasuke. THIS MADE ME SHIT IN MY PANTS AND JIZZ IN MY FACE! IN MAH FACE!!! How unbelievably IMBA is Itachi to be able to teach somebody new techniques by simply touching their forehead! WTF!

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