Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dreamland 7.0

It's to go around running your mouth. Talking about what is right and wrong. Or telling people how to live their lives. These are all things that just come out of mental capacity, from seeing the world and commenting about it from your value set. Nothing hard, anybody with an IQ higher than a table can do it.

But the true measure of a great man is being able to practice what they preach. Not just talking the talk, but walking the walk as well.

So of all the things that I have said, you don't have to listen, I'm grateful you actually spent the time to read through my random babble, I'm just running my mouth here. Simply talking out loud.

Nothing life changing, nothing enlightening.

If you want that, go read the Bible. Jesus has a lot more to say that's worth more your while.

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