Sunday, June 14, 2009

Caught in the Headlights 7.0

I stare blankly at the computer screen,

Wondering how to begin writing.

How do I gather all I'm feelings,

And translate them into typing.

I start to smash on the keyboard,

Hoping something comes out.

I search pointlessly,

Looking for something that stands out.

A word or a letter,

Something to inspire my hands,

Even a jumbled up group of letters

That might remind me of a sound.

I shake my head in defeat,

It seems like nothings going to help me.

I take off my glasses,

And rub my eyes that have grown tired.

Like many of the poets

That have come before me,

I lack the genius to begin writing

What I feel for you, my darling.

And so I offer this to you,

A sad excuse for a poem.

Of a man at a loss for words,

Trying to court a woman.

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