Sunday, May 31, 2009

Rules of Engagement 4.0

Obedience to your parents is a big part of Chinese culture. It is actually a strong believed custom that if you are disobedient to your parents, you are never to succeed in life. Some of you might think that obedience is too strong a word, it is actually exactly the right word. It is being submissive to another's will. This is 100% true in the relationship aspect of your life.

Back in ancient times, this meant arranged marriage. This was an edict. There was no fighting against it, there was no arguing, there was no free will. There was only "Yes, father."

Now, it's a lot less strict. Now, it's more of a match making scheme. Where they introduce the two of you to each other, and you guys start dating and see how it goes. But there is no backing out of the initial meeting. You are to meet that person whether you like it or not and you are to go out on a date with them. Suck it up and see where it goes.

And why am I blogging about this....

Because I have feeling, that in a months time, I am going to be brain washed into going out with my cousin. (Explains why I blogged about maternal cousins yesterday, doesn't it!)

I have some intense weaseling out to do...

Eat Well and Wish Me Luck,

Harveyson Go

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