Thursday, June 18, 2009

Disco?Very! 4.0

Even though my planner is one of the plainest and most boring planners you will ever see, it is one of the most important things I have.

It doesn't have any doodles or drawings, no tags or coupons, no wrappers or tissues, no pictures or cut outs, no colors. Just plain, bland words, scrawled out on it's pages. Nothing to catch you eye or tingle your fancy. Sometimes it would have nothing written on it for weeks at a time. No memories left behind, so that they may be looked back upon. My memories are left in my head, slowly forgotten bit by bit as time passes by.

And it's not like I don't want to keep track of the events that are happening to me. It's just that I find it so troublesome to tabulate them at the end of the day.

Lazy, lazy me.

In my planner are just things I have to do. Assignments for class, meetings for school, it is basically a to do list. And I can't live without it. My memory has never been much good in remembering these kinds of things, even though I am still so young. And with my planner, I can just browse through it to jump start my memory of all the things I have to do for the week. Without which I would probably forget to do a lot of important meetings and assignments.

Forgetful, forgetful me.

Harveyson Go

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