Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Keeping the Faith

The Chinese do not get into a relationship to see where it goes. That's not the way it works. You get into a relationship to get married and have children. Plain and simple.

And love is seen as weakness. Something for the youth, for children to dream about and fantasize. That is love, love is stupid. Because love isn't going to feed you and your children. 

As youngens, our parents tell us that because we are young we put so much value in love, making it highly over rated. We are blinded by beautiful words and sweet music, with promises of happiness and wholeness. 

And they say that this will fade as we grow older. As we get more and more desensitized by reality, and see the world for what it really is and what it offers, that we will not put love on such a high pedestal. And we will realize the importance of money, and it's huge effects on our lives.

I do not want to grow old. I do not want to become a corporate zombie and forget how to see color. I do not believe that love is foolish. Actually, believing in love, having faith in it, takes much, much more courage then what they give us credit for.  Much more courage than they will ever have. And maybe once we get out there and get kicked around by the "real" world, we lose some of our courage, but don't forget.


Love inspires us. Makes us better people. Makes us stronger. Makes us alive.

Giving up on love, is giving up on life.

Don't forget.

Eat Well and Good Luck,

Harveyson Go

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