Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Disco?Very! 2.0

I give alms to the poor just so that they go away, or kung nakakahiya. It's the blunt truth, and I'm a bad person, blah blah blah, charity, the less fortunate and all that jazz.

But I just found out recently that I don't mind giving alms to mothers with their children, or in my case her little baby boy (I'm guessing, the beanie was blue. Haha!). And I mean real mothers, with their actual children. Not one of those scams where they're holding (basically dragging) a child from car to car in the scorching sun or heavy rain. WTF! If that was really your kid, you wouldn't be putting them through that kind of shit. I mean come on!

This woman on the other hand was sitting on the staircase of the MRT, with her little baby boy in her hands, who looked absolutely cared for with a blue beanie on his head. I gave whole heartedly whatever spare change I had on me and I felt good about it. Unlike the other times where I was cussing off society and politics and whatever else that came to mind.

Eat Well and Good Luck,

Harveyson Go

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