Monday, June 15, 2009

Disco?Very! 1.0

Today I learned the true use of meditation. Turns out, the basics of it is a lot more practical and simple than what people make it seem to be. It isn't some super complicated practice of calming the body, mind and spirit, so that you can reach a higher plane of consciousness and if your Buddhist reach enlightenment. That really isn't what it's all about.

According to my awesome professor in video production (Mr. Juat), you actually meditate to calm your mind of thoughts, to only think about the present. Because we are constantly in a dream state, thinking about either the past or the future, so we aren't able to see and appreciate what is right in front of us and grab the opportunities that are right there.

And meditation actually improves your sense of the present, and it is at the present where creativity thrives. Have you ever experienced writing a paper, wherein you just wright continuously without even thinking about what you are writing. Things just flow out of you naturally, that is creativity, it is a natural thing. Devout Catholics call it the God Consciousness, scientists call it Pure Focus, normal people call it The Zone. And as you become a better "meditator", according to my professor, your ability to tap into this power becomes greater and greater.

Eat Well and Good Luck,

Harveyson Go

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