Thursday, June 4, 2009

Google is spelled E.P.I.C!

I know it's completely off topic but I just have to blog about Google. I just have to.

I am a full fledged Yahoo! user, and I have been loyal to Yahoo! since like the 3rd grade when I made my first e-mail address, and in fact I've been using that same address ever since.

But recently, I've been exposed to the amazing world of Google by my professor in communication technology. And I just have to say, Google is AWESOME! You would always read about how Google is the most visited website on the net, and I heard it earned billions of dollars last year. Yeah, that's right, billions with a B! And in my head I would go, "What's up with people?! Yahoo is so much better than Google! Google is so lame! Plus, Yahoo's websites all look so much better than Googles!"

That's all in the past now. Yahoo looks like an epileptic dog  with a wheel chair for hind legs compared to Google. Simple because of Google Docs. Where you can write a paper, or make a presentation WITH other people half way across the world through the internet. And when I say with, I mean they are actually making the paper or presentation with you, you are simultaneously working on the same thing. AMAZING!!!

And after the presentation is done, you can e-mail other people it's link where they can access the presentation or document. At the side of the presentation there is a chat bar for the presenters to actually talk and explain the presentation they have made. Or for people to ask questions about the presentation. Can anybody imagine online classes? Or business & project proposals to clients? AMAZING!!!

And even more recently (just an hour ago) I discovered Google Squared! But what is Google Squared? Google Squared puts searching information on the internet on a WHOLE. NOTHER. LEVEL. 

And because I can't properly explain the awesomeness that is Google Squared, here is a link to learn more about it. Or you can go directly to Google Squared and see it for your self first hand!

Eat Well and Good Luck,

Harveyson Go

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