Sunday, June 7, 2009

Toddler Jet-setter

My favorite part of growing up was always going abroad. And the first time I did was when I was about a year old, and it was to Singapore. Lovely, Awesome, Singapore! And look! I'm already walking! I started walking at 11 months, something I'm very proud of, because it's earlier than both my brothers. XD

Anyway, I'm not going to list down all of the places I've been to, maybe another time. But being so exposed to the world at such a young age, really opened my eyes to just how big the world is. All these different people, buildings, food, SNOW! All these weird languages I didn't understand.

Which is probably why I am so tolerant to all the racial jokes my friends use to make fun of me for being Chinese. I even find them funny and I'm able to role with the punches. I don't how being exposed to different cultures since a young age equated me to being tolerant or even accepting of racism. But I feel that's the reason for it being so. Just a gut feel. Can anybody prove me right or wrong? So maybe I can form a new hypothesis for me being so accepting of racism. And I mean accepting as in it doesn't bother me, like it's just another normal, everyday thing.

I mean no offense to anybody,

Harveyson Go (Yung bobo)

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