Saturday, June 6, 2009

Nothing beats a friend

When I was a kid, I was never one to ask my parents to go out and buy me toys. The idea of playing at home by myself with a bunch or robots or cars were never appealing to me. It was so boring! And at a young age I never really got along with my little brother, who was a possible playmate, but / and is still too irritating to take up on until today.

I never really had the patience to think of stories or come up with dialogues with my toys. It was just so tedious, since you were doing all the work and all the talking. It got really boring, really fast for me.

Thank God there were a couple of neighborhood kids who were roughly the same age as me, who would become my play mates. I would go to their house everyday and ask: "Nandyan po ba si Pao Pao?"  with the puppy dog eyes and pout. (Pao Pao [Paolo] was my favorite and he still lives next door and we're still very good friends. :D )

Having actual human interaction, there are no substitutes for that, not even till today. I would still choose to go out with friends any day of the week, rather than stay at home and watch the TV or use the PC.

Literally going out into the sun and playing tag or touch ball or whatever else stupid thing we would come up with were some of my best childhood memories. And it makes me sad that more and more kids now-a-days are all cooped up inside their houses watching Dora explore instead of going outside and being an explorer themselves.

What did you do as a kid? 

Eat Well and Good Luck,

Harveyson Go

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