Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dreamland 3.0

Sometimes thing just fall into place, no matter the person, place or situation, things just seem to be well, alright. All your plans just pan through with little or no difficulty, like the universe just said "Yes, I am giving you everything you want."

When this happens to you, do you stop and think about it. "Hmmm... What's the catch here?"; "Where is this all leading too?" or "When things are this easy, something is wrong." If you are one of the people who do this, I say "Why don't you get your big fat head out of your big fat ass and listen to what the universe is telling you. You arrogant indio! How are you to question the will of the cosmic!"

You do not question. You do. You go. When the universe is leading you somewhere, you follow, because you don't know when the universe is coming back to talk to you again. So you better leave the universe with a good impression of you or you might never hear from the universe again. And that is something you DO NOT want! You indio!

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