Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Epic Battles: Naruto vs Sasuke

This fight, was the climax of Naruto (The normal one, before Shipuden). It was very sentimental, because Naruto was fighting to stop his best friend Sasuke. This fight was super duper awesome. Naruto released his nine tails chakra and formed 1 tail, the first time he was ever able to do this. and Sasuke finally released the full curse that Orochimaru gave him. In this final showdwon, it was a draw. Sasuke used chidori and Naruto used rasengan. When the two techniques collided they made a giant gallactic black hole which defied the laws of everything and caused everyone watching at home to fart bubble.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Epic Battles: Itachi vs Sasuke

This was sasuke's goal for as long as he can remember. His brother who killed all of their clan members standing right in front of him. In the start of the battle Itachi explained to sasuke why he told him to get stronger. It was to steal away his eye to make his own eye immortal. Because apparently, the uchiha clan's ultimate technique Mangekyou Sharingan causes you to become blind each time you use it. In the start of the battle, it was full of illusions but as the battle progressed, Sasuke prove to Itachi that he was a force to be reckoned with, so Itachi unleashed the amaterasu, a black fire that would devour anything that your eye looked on. And sasuke lost consciousness and his inner Orochimaru appeared, then Itachi released his final technique the giant soldier summon which destroyed the freak Orochimaru that sprouted out of Sasuke. After that Itachi had no more strenght left and went to Sasuke. Sasuke was full of fear as Itachi reached for his eye, but in the end Itachi just touched sasuke's forehead and smiled while saying "This is the last time we meet little brother, sorry". THIS SHOCKED THE FREAKING SHIT OUT OF ME! The truth is that Itachi was really a good brother. A double agent you might say. He killed all of his clan because he was ordered to do so by a superior, because his clan was planning a coupdetat. Might I add, that the touch on the forehead was no mere touch, but it transfered amaterasu and Itachi's other powers into Sasuke. THIS MADE ME SHIT IN MY PANTS AND JIZZ IN MY FACE! IN MAH FACE!!! How unbelievably IMBA is Itachi to be able to teach somebody new techniques by simply touching their forehead! WTF!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dreamland 7.0

It's to go around running your mouth. Talking about what is right and wrong. Or telling people how to live their lives. These are all things that just come out of mental capacity, from seeing the world and commenting about it from your value set. Nothing hard, anybody with an IQ higher than a table can do it.

But the true measure of a great man is being able to practice what they preach. Not just talking the talk, but walking the walk as well.

So of all the things that I have said, you don't have to listen, I'm grateful you actually spent the time to read through my random babble, I'm just running my mouth here. Simply talking out loud.

Nothing life changing, nothing enlightening.

If you want that, go read the Bible. Jesus has a lot more to say that's worth more your while.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Dreamland 6.0

The decisions we make everyday, compiled together, one on top of the other, are the very things that mold who or what we become in the future.

When we choose to go watch Transformers instead of do our homework.

Have that one extra shot of Vodka or bottle of beer.

That extra cup of rice.

Just one more cigarette.

Going out for that jog.

Hitting the books instead of the clubs.

On its own, these decisions seem insignificant, simple things that just pass us by. Simple everyday decisions that no one thinks about. But these are the very decisions that form our character and what we consider to be normal and acceptable.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Dreamland 5.0

Sabi nga nila, bilog ang mundo. Minsan nasa taas tayo, at minsan nasa baba tayo. Hindi talaga natin maiiwasan yung pagiging masaya at malungkot, parte na talaga sya ng buhay natin. At kapag masmaaga natin natanggap ito, masmapapadali ang buhay natin. Tuwing masaya tayo, masaya tayo, at tuwing malungkot tayo hindi natin ito pinapatagal. Lagi nalang nating isipin na sandali lang to.

Nasasa-atin naman bahala kung gusto natin maging masaya o hindi. Nasapananaw natin yun, kung gusto natin pag-isipan lamang talaga ang mga nagpapalungkot sa atin o kaya'y magpasalamat sa mga nagpapasaya sa buhay natin.

Ang pagiging masaya o malungkot ay isang disisyon na ginagawa natin araw araw. Kaya'y oras nang magpili ka kung ano talaga ang gusto mo.

Mag-ingat po tayo,

Harveyson Go

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dreamland 4.0

If you find money on the street, what do you do with it?

Do you:

A. Keep it for yourself

B. Leave it there, maybe the person who dropped it will come back for it.

C. Give it to security if there is security around. If not give it to charity later.

D. Keep half for me, half for charity

If your choice is A, you are awesome.

If your choice is NOT A, you might want to change your mind and choose to be awesome instead.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dreamland 3.0

Sometimes thing just fall into place, no matter the person, place or situation, things just seem to be well, alright. All your plans just pan through with little or no difficulty, like the universe just said "Yes, I am giving you everything you want."

When this happens to you, do you stop and think about it. "Hmmm... What's the catch here?"; "Where is this all leading too?" or "When things are this easy, something is wrong." If you are one of the people who do this, I say "Why don't you get your big fat head out of your big fat ass and listen to what the universe is telling you. You arrogant indio! How are you to question the will of the cosmic!"

You do not question. You do. You go. When the universe is leading you somewhere, you follow, because you don't know when the universe is coming back to talk to you again. So you better leave the universe with a good impression of you or you might never hear from the universe again. And that is something you DO NOT want! You indio!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dreamland 2.0

Nights like this are when poets are born

The moon’s radiance so compelling

The breeze so chilling

The stars are sparkling so rarely, so many.

Nights like this are when I wish you were here

Laying right beside me, holding me dear

Breathing slowly, without a care

Smelling you sweetly, gently, lovingly.

Nights like this are when I wish you were here

See the moon light sparkle in your eyes

Feel the breeze between your hair

Wordless, thoughtless, forevers

Monday, June 22, 2009

Dreamland 1.0

Not a cloud in the sky

As we watch the buildings blur by

You would rest your head on my shoulder

I would smell your hair

I took the chance

And made the gamble

I gave you my heart

And you seem to have made it better

I held your hand

And felt your fingers between mine

I took a picture with my mind

Watching you sleeping

Rested my head and took a deep breathe

Addicted to your scent

Couldn’t move even if I wanted to

All I could ever want is you

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Disco?Very! 7.0

Trust is one of the most important things in a relationship. Any relationship. Whether it be with your friends, family or loved ones, trust is the foundation, pillars, walls and roof of that relationship. And as your trust for them grows, so does the strength of your relationship.

With trust, you can only build up. And it can grow into amazingly strong bonds between 2 people that cannot fade over time. But once that bond is broken, it will never be the same again. Building it up once again, will take an extraordinarily great amount of strength, courage and faith. The strength to start the rebuilding, the courage to continue it and forge through whatever your heart or mind is saying and the faith that the receiver will not break it this time around.

Keep this in mind the next time you share a secret that isn't yours. When you make a promise you cannot keep. Or act without thinking. Are you ready to lose a relationship? Because it will never be the same again.

Eat Well and Good Luck

Harveyson Go

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Disco?Very! 6.0

I have never been able to control what I eat. I always tell myself that I would cut down on rice, or snack less or whatever. But I am never able to push through with these decisions. Once food is set down in front of me or are in a proximity near me, I lose all sense of control. EAT!!!

But lately, things have been different, I seem to be more in control of my appetite. I see food and think, maybe I'll have that tomorrow. I don't know what's wrong with me!!

But I have a strong feeling it's going to be short lived. VERY short lived.

Eat More,

Harveyson Go

Friday, June 19, 2009

Disco?Very! 5.0

While other people already start having fairly clear visions of what they want their immediate future to be when it comes to their career, I on the other hand do not. A year from now, if everything goes well, I will be graduating from college with my degree in Organizational Communication. While my other batch mates already know what career paths they want to take, be it advertising, marketing, public relations, video production, I on the other hand, do not. I have absolutely no idea what I want to be doing in my job.

I'm not going to be picky. I'm just going to take the job with the biggest salary that is offered to me. Whatever I will be doing, I'm not picky. I just have one condition that has to be fulfilled, I want a job where I can apply what I have learned in school and develop those skills further. I just love what I'm learning, and I want to be doing it for a living, I just don't know which specific route I want to take, along this long and winding road, spreading in so many different directions.

Eat Well and Good Luck,

Harveyson Go

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Disco?Very! 4.0

Even though my planner is one of the plainest and most boring planners you will ever see, it is one of the most important things I have.

It doesn't have any doodles or drawings, no tags or coupons, no wrappers or tissues, no pictures or cut outs, no colors. Just plain, bland words, scrawled out on it's pages. Nothing to catch you eye or tingle your fancy. Sometimes it would have nothing written on it for weeks at a time. No memories left behind, so that they may be looked back upon. My memories are left in my head, slowly forgotten bit by bit as time passes by.

And it's not like I don't want to keep track of the events that are happening to me. It's just that I find it so troublesome to tabulate them at the end of the day.

Lazy, lazy me.

In my planner are just things I have to do. Assignments for class, meetings for school, it is basically a to do list. And I can't live without it. My memory has never been much good in remembering these kinds of things, even though I am still so young. And with my planner, I can just browse through it to jump start my memory of all the things I have to do for the week. Without which I would probably forget to do a lot of important meetings and assignments.

Forgetful, forgetful me.

Harveyson Go

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Disco?Very! 3.0

Apparently, I like to shop too. SOOO GAY!!! Going from shop to shop looking through stuff, looking at stuff for other people. It was oddly invigorating. Buying stuff feels good! Haha!!

I can't wait for tomorrow! We passed by the Baleno along Orchard, they were closed, it was around 11 PM, but we saw the sign. 3 collared shirts for $20..... OH. MY. GOD! It's cheaper than shopping at Greenhills or Tiende! PLUS! It's original, AWESOME!

The Great Singapore Sale, EPIC!

Eat Well and Good Luck,

Harveyson Go

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Disco?Very! 2.0

I give alms to the poor just so that they go away, or kung nakakahiya. It's the blunt truth, and I'm a bad person, blah blah blah, charity, the less fortunate and all that jazz.

But I just found out recently that I don't mind giving alms to mothers with their children, or in my case her little baby boy (I'm guessing, the beanie was blue. Haha!). And I mean real mothers, with their actual children. Not one of those scams where they're holding (basically dragging) a child from car to car in the scorching sun or heavy rain. WTF! If that was really your kid, you wouldn't be putting them through that kind of shit. I mean come on!

This woman on the other hand was sitting on the staircase of the MRT, with her little baby boy in her hands, who looked absolutely cared for with a blue beanie on his head. I gave whole heartedly whatever spare change I had on me and I felt good about it. Unlike the other times where I was cussing off society and politics and whatever else that came to mind.

Eat Well and Good Luck,

Harveyson Go

Monday, June 15, 2009

Disco?Very! 1.0

Today I learned the true use of meditation. Turns out, the basics of it is a lot more practical and simple than what people make it seem to be. It isn't some super complicated practice of calming the body, mind and spirit, so that you can reach a higher plane of consciousness and if your Buddhist reach enlightenment. That really isn't what it's all about.

According to my awesome professor in video production (Mr. Juat), you actually meditate to calm your mind of thoughts, to only think about the present. Because we are constantly in a dream state, thinking about either the past or the future, so we aren't able to see and appreciate what is right in front of us and grab the opportunities that are right there.

And meditation actually improves your sense of the present, and it is at the present where creativity thrives. Have you ever experienced writing a paper, wherein you just wright continuously without even thinking about what you are writing. Things just flow out of you naturally, that is creativity, it is a natural thing. Devout Catholics call it the God Consciousness, scientists call it Pure Focus, normal people call it The Zone. And as you become a better "meditator", according to my professor, your ability to tap into this power becomes greater and greater.

Eat Well and Good Luck,

Harveyson Go

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Caught in the Headlights 7.0

I stare blankly at the computer screen,

Wondering how to begin writing.

How do I gather all I'm feelings,

And translate them into typing.

I start to smash on the keyboard,

Hoping something comes out.

I search pointlessly,

Looking for something that stands out.

A word or a letter,

Something to inspire my hands,

Even a jumbled up group of letters

That might remind me of a sound.

I shake my head in defeat,

It seems like nothings going to help me.

I take off my glasses,

And rub my eyes that have grown tired.

Like many of the poets

That have come before me,

I lack the genius to begin writing

What I feel for you, my darling.

And so I offer this to you,

A sad excuse for a poem.

Of a man at a loss for words,

Trying to court a woman.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Caught in the Headlights 6.0

Right in front of me I see,

The wind playing with the grass so green.

The branches of the trees are swaying,

The wind is stronger than it seems.

Far away I can see,

Storm clouds are brewing.

Dark and purple what are they hiding?

Are the rains coming?

I turn to my side,

And I'm so happy to see,

You're right beside me.

I have nothing to worry.

And together we watch

The grass swaying to the wind.

The leaves start to rustle,

And it starts raining.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Caught in the Headlights 5.0

What is love?

Love is the first stretch when you wake up

Love is the breeze on a summer day

Love is a gasp of air after a long swim

Love is the sun after the rain

Love is a hug after a defeat

Love is the blanket on a chilly night

Love is a smile

Love is a look

Love is an embrace

Love is what makes you feel good inside, and resonates through out your body.

Love is awesome.

Love is like...

Love is like Coke.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Caught in the Headlights 4.0

Have you ever met that one person / thing, where you look at them and you just want to give them all the love you have inside you? Give them every last drop, till there was nothing left to give, then give 3 more vital organs, and you still feel like you haven't given enough.

I haven't experienced something like this for the longest time, and it feels, well, AWESOME!

But I have to be honest, that I'm a little bit scared. Of well, getting hurt. (SUPER GAY EMO SHIT! SELF-PAWNAGE!)

But as they say, "Nothing ventured, Nothing gained." And I will, to the best of my capabilities, love and care for her.

Eat Well and Good Luck,

Harveyson Go

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Caught in the Headlights 3.0

You wake up

And it's another ordinary day

You look up

And the sun is shining

It's a beautifully ordinary day

Little do you know what lies ahead

The world has something planned for you

And your oblivious to what's happening

An epiphany is in the making.

It's a beautifully ordinary day

It hits you right between in the eyes

And you don't see things the same

Your world is brighter than it used to be

And you wonder how long it's going to last

You lay down

And your stare at the ceiling

You blink slowly

Hoping it's all really happening

It's a beautifully ordinary day

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Caught in the Headlights 2.0

Getting use to the daily routine

Waking up, Going out

With a heart half broken

With a smile on my face

The marks left behind,

Just a bad dream,

Long forgotten.

Nothing's wrong with me.

The dark no longer scary,

It's become familiar territory.

Yet you come along once again,

Breaking what I've come accustom.

And it's time for me

To once again be ready

Prepare the shield and sword

Be brave and fight with fury

And once again,

I'm in unknown territory

Barely seeing what's in front of me

Be brave, Be ready.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Caught in the Headlights 1.0

Hello stranger,

I wonder how long its been,

Since I last saw your face.

So much has changed.

I remember

So little about you.

Just a few glimpses

Of the past we shared.

The wounds

You left me with

Are a lot better now.

You can barely see.

Don't think

I've forgotten why they're there.

They run deeper

Than what they seem.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Toddler Jet-setter

My favorite part of growing up was always going abroad. And the first time I did was when I was about a year old, and it was to Singapore. Lovely, Awesome, Singapore! And look! I'm already walking! I started walking at 11 months, something I'm very proud of, because it's earlier than both my brothers. XD

Anyway, I'm not going to list down all of the places I've been to, maybe another time. But being so exposed to the world at such a young age, really opened my eyes to just how big the world is. All these different people, buildings, food, SNOW! All these weird languages I didn't understand.

Which is probably why I am so tolerant to all the racial jokes my friends use to make fun of me for being Chinese. I even find them funny and I'm able to role with the punches. I don't how being exposed to different cultures since a young age equated me to being tolerant or even accepting of racism. But I feel that's the reason for it being so. Just a gut feel. Can anybody prove me right or wrong? So maybe I can form a new hypothesis for me being so accepting of racism. And I mean accepting as in it doesn't bother me, like it's just another normal, everyday thing.

I mean no offense to anybody,

Harveyson Go (Yung bobo)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Nothing beats a friend

When I was a kid, I was never one to ask my parents to go out and buy me toys. The idea of playing at home by myself with a bunch or robots or cars were never appealing to me. It was so boring! And at a young age I never really got along with my little brother, who was a possible playmate, but / and is still too irritating to take up on until today.

I never really had the patience to think of stories or come up with dialogues with my toys. It was just so tedious, since you were doing all the work and all the talking. It got really boring, really fast for me.

Thank God there were a couple of neighborhood kids who were roughly the same age as me, who would become my play mates. I would go to their house everyday and ask: "Nandyan po ba si Pao Pao?"  with the puppy dog eyes and pout. (Pao Pao [Paolo] was my favorite and he still lives next door and we're still very good friends. :D )

Having actual human interaction, there are no substitutes for that, not even till today. I would still choose to go out with friends any day of the week, rather than stay at home and watch the TV or use the PC.

Literally going out into the sun and playing tag or touch ball or whatever else stupid thing we would come up with were some of my best childhood memories. And it makes me sad that more and more kids now-a-days are all cooped up inside their houses watching Dora explore instead of going outside and being an explorer themselves.

What did you do as a kid? 

Eat Well and Good Luck,

Harveyson Go

Friday, June 5, 2009

Night time dreaming 1.1

I used to watch Chuckie from Rugrats and just go green with envy. 

"Why does he have a blankie?! I  want one too!!"

But I didn't. My brothers and I all had individual blankets, but who got which one didn't really matter. Blankets had no emotional or sentimental values in our house. Or not for my brothers at least. But they did for me.

For some reason, beyond my comprehension, instead of attaching any sentimental value to the blankets that were being shared by the 3 of us brothers, I attached it to the blanket of my mom. I remember it being a quilt. Pink and cold on the outside, white with blue flowers, warm and snugly on the inside. I loved that blanket. I would always feel so safe, even safer when I was with my mom under it.

I didn't have my own blankie, my blankie was my mom's. And that was more than enough I guess. I miss it though. The last time I saw or felt it was in the 3rd grade, before we got up and migrated to China. And now, it's lost. And all I have is a memory of it. Pink and Awesome!

Eat Well and Good Luck,

Harveyson Go

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Night time dreaming 1.0

I don't have any childhood memories of being tucked into bed or being read bedtime stories. And I'm becoming very bitter about it. Other people have favorite story books that their mom or dad use to read to them when they were kids.


All I have is a stupid multiplication table. My mom would go 7 x 4 right before leaving the room, and I would go Fifty-Seventytwo-Twelve.

P.S. I'm still no good in math.

I don't remember having a bed time too. I just remember being order to go to sleep after finishing my homework.

Mom: What color is the apple?

Me: RED!

Mom: What color is the banana?


Mom: 7 x 4?

Me: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

What stories were you read to as a child or are reading to your children? I would really like to know what stories are being read to children, since there is a whole market out there of children's books. And I would like to know what are becoming the new classics. 

Eat Well and Good Luck,

Harveyson Go

Google is spelled E.P.I.C!

I know it's completely off topic but I just have to blog about Google. I just have to.

I am a full fledged Yahoo! user, and I have been loyal to Yahoo! since like the 3rd grade when I made my first e-mail address, and in fact I've been using that same address ever since.

But recently, I've been exposed to the amazing world of Google by my professor in communication technology. And I just have to say, Google is AWESOME! You would always read about how Google is the most visited website on the net, and I heard it earned billions of dollars last year. Yeah, that's right, billions with a B! And in my head I would go, "What's up with people?! Yahoo is so much better than Google! Google is so lame! Plus, Yahoo's websites all look so much better than Googles!"

That's all in the past now. Yahoo looks like an epileptic dog  with a wheel chair for hind legs compared to Google. Simple because of Google Docs. Where you can write a paper, or make a presentation WITH other people half way across the world through the internet. And when I say with, I mean they are actually making the paper or presentation with you, you are simultaneously working on the same thing. AMAZING!!!

And after the presentation is done, you can e-mail other people it's link where they can access the presentation or document. At the side of the presentation there is a chat bar for the presenters to actually talk and explain the presentation they have made. Or for people to ask questions about the presentation. Can anybody imagine online classes? Or business & project proposals to clients? AMAZING!!!

And even more recently (just an hour ago) I discovered Google Squared! But what is Google Squared? Google Squared puts searching information on the internet on a WHOLE. NOTHER. LEVEL. 

And because I can't properly explain the awesomeness that is Google Squared, here is a link to learn more about it. Or you can go directly to Google Squared and see it for your self first hand!

Eat Well and Good Luck,

Harveyson Go

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Keeping the Faith

The Chinese do not get into a relationship to see where it goes. That's not the way it works. You get into a relationship to get married and have children. Plain and simple.

And love is seen as weakness. Something for the youth, for children to dream about and fantasize. That is love, love is stupid. Because love isn't going to feed you and your children. 

As youngens, our parents tell us that because we are young we put so much value in love, making it highly over rated. We are blinded by beautiful words and sweet music, with promises of happiness and wholeness. 

And they say that this will fade as we grow older. As we get more and more desensitized by reality, and see the world for what it really is and what it offers, that we will not put love on such a high pedestal. And we will realize the importance of money, and it's huge effects on our lives.

I do not want to grow old. I do not want to become a corporate zombie and forget how to see color. I do not believe that love is foolish. Actually, believing in love, having faith in it, takes much, much more courage then what they give us credit for.  Much more courage than they will ever have. And maybe once we get out there and get kicked around by the "real" world, we lose some of our courage, but don't forget.


Love inspires us. Makes us better people. Makes us stronger. Makes us alive.

Giving up on love, is giving up on life.

Don't forget.

Eat Well and Good Luck,

Harveyson Go

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rules of Engagement 6.0

Have you ever wondered why Chinese people more often than not have a family business and why it is kept that way?

Having a business instead of being employed is a lot more stressful, but unlike being an employee you don't retire from being a businessman. So you don't have to worry about where you're going to get your money once you get old. Which is why Chinese people are so stingy, because we all believe that we will have time later on in life to enjoy it, or have our grandchildren enjoy it. As long as the business is there, you will always have cash coming in. You don't have to worry about retirement and pension.

The business is then inherited by the children to take over and continue the legacy, whether it be a small restaurant or hardware store. But why insist keeping it in the family? It is because we rarely trust anyone who is not family. It is incredibly biased and backwards, but that's how it works, if you're not part of the family, you're not touching the money. Even when the business grows to become very big, like Sea Oil, which has a President, Chairman and so on and so forth, it is still a private business and all of the top level management are the sons of the founder. Even for businesses that have gone public like SM, who are in charge? The children of Henry Sy, they are the ones running the operation. Keeping it in the family, because family are the only people you can trust.

This beliefs runs long and deep in Chinese culture, where back in ancient times, a son would take over his fathers occupation and shop, whether it be a blacksmith, baker, chef, or whatever, the sons are obligated to continue what the father has started, and it was considered a great honer. Especially if your family has been in the business for generations, and your reputation is known far and wide for quality and excellence. Like you go to Yang's for the best wine, and to Liu's for the sharpest swords, things like that, reputation.

You find a wife, so that you can have a son that can continue that legacy when you are gone.  You don't go looking for outsiders and teach your craft to them, that was considered highly shameful, not only is it looked down upon by the rest of the family, even the gossip from the rest of the community would be negative. Teaching trade family secrets to an outsider, BLASPHEMY! How can you be sure that you can trust them?! That would be question #1. 

We are by nature a very closed society, very closed minded and traditional. And that's why in the generations and generations to come I am sure that our culture will still be in tact, and be as colorful and as venerated as it is today. And that is something that I am proud of, that my great, great, great grandchildren will have the same values and traditions as I have today.

Eat Well and Good Luck,

Harveyson Go

Monday, June 1, 2009

Rules of Engagement 5.0

Whenever my parents would talk to me about relationships, which is get more and more often, I always get the impression from them that you get into a relationship to get married. You don't go around meeting girls going "Hey, I kind of like you. Lets see where this goes." No, there is none of that bullshit. It's  "Hey, lets wait a couple of year till I get financially stable so we can go get married."  You don't get into a relationship just for the sake of being in one or because you like them, it's because you see them as husband/wife material and you plan on doing the whole till death do us part jig.

Which makes me wonder about my father, who has a reputation of being a player among his peers, which is something I have obviously not inherited. People who knew him in his 20's and 30's would always talk about all the girlfriends he had. Something my mother has had to put up for a long, long time now. Which pushes the point, were all of my father's girlfriends Chinese? Personally, I don't have the moxie to ask him about this matter.

But it would explain why he has very little to say during these conversations, most of the time it would just be my mom talking. Who come to think of it, has never talked about any other man in her life other than my father. He would just say something along the lines of "Just remember that she has to be Chinese. This is non-negotiable." nearing the end of the conversation.

Whether or not this perspective is true for other Chinese families, I am not sure. But I just feel that the their perspective on things is problem inducing later on in life. Since you weren't really able to discover and explore what the world had to offer, the tendency is you cheat on your spouses when you're the one calling the shots. You want to take up what you missed out on earlier in life. Am I the only one that thinks this is true, what do you think?

Eat Well and Good Luck,

Harveyson Go