Saturday, May 30, 2009

Rules of Engagement 3.0

I'm going to start of today with a brief introduction on how a Chinese family records its family tree. The Chinese is a paternal society, and only the men and the unmarried women are counted in the family tree. In a strictly traditional sense, the wives of the men are uncounted for. So in the listing of the family tree, it's just the father and under him are his children.

You may wonder why I'm talking about this boring shit. Because this boring shit is the rationale behind this mind blowing shit.

There is nothing wrong with marrying your cousins on the mother side.


Because according to the family tree, there is absolutely no relation between the two of you. So parents can set their children up with their cousins and its just another normal thing in this awesome, awesome world. Basically, we're like hillbillies, but not that bad, because hillbillies marry their siblings too, but that's irrelevant. 

Actually, we're more like European Royalty, where they are only allowed to marry people of Royal Blood as well, other princes and princesses, dukes and duchesses  and whatever else they have over there. So technically, we see ourselves as Royal Blood as well. Very pompous, don't you think? Well, not if we're majority of the population on Earth.

Eat Well and Good Luck,

Harveyson Go

1 comment:

  1. That's just wrong or weird.. But it's your culture, and I respect that. Haha!
