Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Rules of Engagement 1.0

For an outsider, the way the Chinese culture sees love and relationships seems to be very confusing, restrictive and backwards. But there is 1 over all rule that everybody knows, but doesn't really understand. It is prerequisite #1 in the relationship. And that is:

He/She needs to be Chinese

And I will try to explain, to the best of my capabilities and understanding, the rationale behind this.

1. It's pride. In my opinion, the Chinese people in general have a deep rooted, subconscious, sense of superiority. With being one of the oldest living civilizations in the world, and thousands upon thousands of year of cultural heritage, the Chinese are a very proud race. People who are not Chinese are called Hwa-Na (literal translation: Barbarian), and that is the reason why it is heavily looked down upon, it is a degradation of your rank in society, kind of like the whole Caste system in India.

2. It's a preservation of culture, or the cultivation of it, depends on how you would like to look at it. Let's say the Chinese culture is a red rose, and you want to keep on making red roses, so you breed with only red roses. If you cross breed a red rose with let's say a white rose, then it isn't red anymore, it's pink, kind of like red, but not red. Still beautiful, but not red.

3. It's distrust, or a lack of faith for the Hwa-Na's. Whenever my parents would see a Chinese man/woman with a Hwa-Na boy/girlfriend, they would always say, "They got tricked / fooled." I never quite understood this, the distrust. But it's there, the parents feeling that something is just wrong.

There are a lot more reasons, I'm sure if I go and ask my parents, they can give hundreds more. But I think these 3 are sufficient for the purpose of my blog today. And it is up to you whether or not you agree with it, or believe whether or not they are valid reasons. But more or less, these are the real reasons.

Eat Well and Good Luck,

Harveyson Go

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