Thursday, May 28, 2009

Rules of Engagement 1.1

The Chinese community is very discriminative. Simply being Chinese isn't enough, you have to be PURE Chinese. WTF. But lets clear something out right now, being pure Chinese isn't an all you can ride pass, there are still some Q&As that you have to pass, things like zodiac signs, personality tests, age, family background, the general stuff that any parent  of any ethnicity would take into consideration. You know, to see whether or not you are a good person.

The tips I'm going to share are for those who are not 100% Chinese, and has to face a very traditional Chinese family, because they won't care whether or not your a good person if you don't have the following  characteristics. 

Ability to use chopsticks -   5 points

Ability to use abacus -   5 points

Chinese Last Name - 10 points

Ability to speak Mandarin - 10 points

Knowledge of Family History - 15 points

Religious background - 20 points

Educational Background (Schools you went to) - 20 points

Ability to speak Mandarin and Fu-Kien - 25 points

Ability to Read and Write Mandarin  - 30 points

Appearance (How Chinese you look) - 30 points

Family Business - 30 points

Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility - 40 points

Knowledge of Chinese Customs and Traditions - 60 points


Total 300 points

This is just a basic check list of the first things that came to mind when I though of the things that were important to a traditional Chinese family and the points are in accordance to how important it is to them. I'm not an expert in the field or anything, I haven't conducted any research or interviews, this is just my point of view. So don't take it too seriously. I don't want anyone getting their hopes up only to be shot down or lose confidence in themselves because of what I have said.

Eat Well and Good Luck,

Harveyson Go 

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