Monday, July 13, 2009

Viral Video Vision: Rico Blanco: Come Closer

One of the best commercials that has come out in a long time. Close-up has finally stepped out of the extremely cheesy, vomit inducing, Love-a-Palooza and has finally made something worth while. Finally making a contribution to society other than spit exchanging for the longest amounts of time.

Awooooo!! What you do to me...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Viral Video Vision: SNL: Andy Samberg: People Getting Punched

Very few things come close to the feeling you get when you punch somebody right between the eyes right before they take that first bite. Their eyes open really wide, and their body is already prepared to receive the awesomeness that is food. But that's not what it gets. Instead, they get a fist sandwich! Plus a dance number at the end. Classy! Andy Samberg, always a class act.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Viral Video Vision: Axis of Awesome: 4 Chords

#1. You can't go wrong with a band named Axis of AWESOME!
#2. It's a freaking band named AXIS OF AWESOME!!!
And #3, how stoned are you when you start making conspiracy theories about how songs reach number 1 on the charts. And then make an entire song, WHICH IS SO KICK ASS, trying to prove it.

I'm more than a bird,
I'm more than a plane,
I'm a... birdplane!
A mother f-ing birdplane!!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Viral Video Vision: SNL: I'm on a Boat!

This song is so bad ass, the original video that was showed on SNL has been banned on YouTube. You can't find it, and even if you do, it's already been taken down. So how WEAK SAUCE is YouTube?! But you need to know where they're coming from, 2.3 seconds after the video was uploaded to the server, the entire system crashed, caught on fire, got pissed on by angry gorillas and then right after Jet Li came, looked at the heaping pile of burning hardware, stank with the stench of gorilla piss, and the just walked away in slow motion as it finally exploded and burned down the rest of the building. That's what happens when Andy Samberg and T-Pain get together and start kicking it like they do on the streets!

Jet Li got out of the building without a scratch. The building on the other hand, caught on fire a second time.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Viral Video Vision: SNL: Natalie Portman Rap

It makes you wonder what is it with SNL that makes A-List stars like Natalie Portman do shit like this! Telling people to suck her dick! Oh Yeah!

Andy Samberg is in this video too, so you can expect it to have an extra helping of AWESOME SACUE!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Viral Video Vision: Andy Samberg: Cool Guys Don't Look at Explosions

From my previous post, we now all know how big freakishly AWESOME Andy Samberg is.
This time it's for the 2009 MTV Movie Awards. After watching this video you'll want to set something on fire and walk away in slow motion a couple of times. You could literally burn your house down, but it don't matter. You'll look like a cool ass mother f*cker when it happens!

That REALLY is J.J. Abrams. O.O

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Viral Video Vision: SNL: Jizz In My Pants

More awesome rapping! / Club music / RnB.
Andy Samberg EPIC PAWNAGE! Plus Justin Timberlake! He isn't really doing anything, but just there mere fact that he's in the video makes it even more awesome! It's so cool, Justin Timberlake had to to be in it, just because! And I jizzed in my pants!

He jizzed in his pants too when he watched the video.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Viral Video Vision: Thug Life: Taylor Swift & T-Pain

Taylor swift rapping like a superstar. Sweet!!
If you don't live under a rock, you know Taylor Swift. We all know her usual genre of music and this is on the opposite spectrum of music, and unusually, she does pretty good here! And there's just something about T-Pain standing beside you that automatically gives you unlimited amounts of street cred! Taylor Swift taking it to the streets!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Epic Battles: Jiraiya vs Pein

This battle was very important, because it helped Naruto with very important information. This battle was very shocking because it conveyed a lot of information that was very very unthinkable. For example, Pein was a past student of Jiraiya. WTF. How the hell did that happen! Uber long back story insert here. And in the battle Jiraiya went in to his frog sage mode which made him extremely strong. But he was still no match for Pein who had 7 bodies. 7 bodies! WTF! Almost as bad as the guy who had 5 lives! Did I mention one of the bodies had the ability to resurrect fallen bodies, so yeah, WAY more IMBA than the guy that had 5 lives. So anyway, when Jiraiya killed 5 of Pein's bodies. He thought he had already won, but he was wrong. because Pein could make his bodies come back to life, as mention above, but Jiraiya didn't know about this yet, so he got his ass served to his face, and in the end Jiraiya died but left a message for naruto carved on a frog, this would eventually help Naruto become a hero.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Epic Battles: Naruto vs Pein

This is the most important battle of date. Naruto already decripted the message that Jiraiya left. And in the battle, Naruto unleashed his frog sage mode which made him ultimately powerful. Almost, ALMOST Chuck Norris powerful. Because he could manage to do 3 rasen shurikens and just throw them to the enemy. PROJECTILE RASEN SHURKIEN! PROJECTILE KHEM IN THE FACE! In the end Naruto destroyed all of Pein's bodies and met with the real Pein. Start of super boring shit. He talked with the real Pein and convinced him that hatred is wrong and that the teachings of Jiraiya that both of them share are the way to peace of the world. In the end, Pein revealed his most powerful technique, resurrection and revived all of Naruto's dead comrades and villagers. After that, Pein died. Ghey.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Epic Battles: Naruto vs Kakuzu

This was an epic match, Kakuzu had five lives and naruto had 1. NO DUH! Obvious advantage here! Kakuzu also had the ability to control all the chakra elements water, earth, fire, lightning and wind. Naruto used his ultimate technique on Kakuzu called the Rasen shuriken which is a super awesome rasengan wrapped around with wind chakra. When this attack landed on Kakuzu all of the cells of his body were destroyed and he stopped in mid air as a hundred billion chakra needles punctured his body. But, as they say, if there is great power there is a price to pay. and Naruto payed the price, his left arm got fractured because of the technique and suffered the same cell damage as Kakuzu. But the RASEN SHURIKEN was AWESOME and made me JIZZ IN MY PANTS for 3 days!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Epic Battles: Sakura vs Sasori

This episode was freaky awesome. Sakura revealed her true power after 3 years of training. Sasori also showed his true nature, and I was really shocked when I saw that his true body was a puppet and his heart was made of chakra stored in a tube. WTF! In this fight Sasori had the upperhand because he was a very skilled long range fighter with god knows how many IMBA puppets at his command and Sakura is a melee fighter, thats pretty much it. In addition Sasori also used some kind of fucked up poison. But, Sakura pulled her way through with the help of the grandmother of Sasori. How fucked up is your family when your grandmother is choosing to fight against you. And while the fight was ongoing, the writers portrayed Sasori's life as a child, which was pretty emotional. His parents died when he was young, and he made puppets of them to comfort himself. This should have been a sign that you had a fucked up grandkid. And this was also the start of his love for puppetry. In the end of the fight Sakura was victorious because of her advanced strategies and healing abilities that her master taught her. And lets not forget the super strength. That played a big part too. A BIG PART! The only part actually. XD

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Epic Battles: Shikamaru vs Hidan

This fight was pretty intense, because Shikamaru was trying to avenge his master. Hidan is an immortal which was a force that had to be reckoned with. Shikamaru thought of a really complicated plan, after all he is a genius. He made a trap for hidan to lure him into the woods then when they got there, he would stop Hidan's movements with his shadow manipulation technique and cut all of hidan's body parts with explosive kunais(knives) and buried them. IMMORTAL KA PALA HA! DYAN KA NA FOREVER!!