Thursday, July 2, 2009

Epic Battles: Sakura vs Sasori

This episode was freaky awesome. Sakura revealed her true power after 3 years of training. Sasori also showed his true nature, and I was really shocked when I saw that his true body was a puppet and his heart was made of chakra stored in a tube. WTF! In this fight Sasori had the upperhand because he was a very skilled long range fighter with god knows how many IMBA puppets at his command and Sakura is a melee fighter, thats pretty much it. In addition Sasori also used some kind of fucked up poison. But, Sakura pulled her way through with the help of the grandmother of Sasori. How fucked up is your family when your grandmother is choosing to fight against you. And while the fight was ongoing, the writers portrayed Sasori's life as a child, which was pretty emotional. His parents died when he was young, and he made puppets of them to comfort himself. This should have been a sign that you had a fucked up grandkid. And this was also the start of his love for puppetry. In the end of the fight Sakura was victorious because of her advanced strategies and healing abilities that her master taught her. And lets not forget the super strength. That played a big part too. A BIG PART! The only part actually. XD

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