Friday, July 10, 2009

Viral Video Vision: SNL: I'm on a Boat!

This song is so bad ass, the original video that was showed on SNL has been banned on YouTube. You can't find it, and even if you do, it's already been taken down. So how WEAK SAUCE is YouTube?! But you need to know where they're coming from, 2.3 seconds after the video was uploaded to the server, the entire system crashed, caught on fire, got pissed on by angry gorillas and then right after Jet Li came, looked at the heaping pile of burning hardware, stank with the stench of gorilla piss, and the just walked away in slow motion as it finally exploded and burned down the rest of the building. That's what happens when Andy Samberg and T-Pain get together and start kicking it like they do on the streets!

Jet Li got out of the building without a scratch. The building on the other hand, caught on fire a second time.

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